Scott County Humane Society Financials:

Your Dollars Directly Help over 2,000 Pets Per Year


With a very small budget and a mighty team of dedicated volunteers, the Scott County Humane Society makes a huge positive impact. This means your donated dollars work hard for the homeless, neglected and sick pets in Scott County. We want you to know exactly how your donations are used to create a better community for pets and their people.

You can view our 990 here (link to 990).

We have earned our Gold Transparency Seal from Guidestar.


Expenditures for Scott County Humane Society 2021

Foster Care (Vet care, supplies) $121,162

Payroll (One full time, one part time) $45,110

Spay/Neuter Community Assistance $32,265

Adoption Center (Rent, utilities) $19,923

Office Supplies & IT Support. $12,190

Fundraising event costs $4,665

Misc. $1,348

Total Expenditures: $236,600


Income for Scott County Humane Society 2021

Donations $115,000

Adoption fees $88,495

Fundraising events $15,646

Spay/Neuter $14,116

Membership fees $5,000

Total Income: $238,257

(General operating fund only, does not include capital campaign donations)






All New Adoption Center Donations are in not included in the above and are in a separate account. Our Building Fund is goal is $1,000,000 and we are currently at about $700,000.