Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

We LOVE our Clementine! She is an excellent sister to my older poodle (Piper) and my 3-year old daughter. Clementine plays with my daughter in the gentlest but yet most energetic matter possible. She loves to play chase and catch (though she is not always that fond of returning the toy for another throw). She is a superstar at her vet clinic with everyone telling “Clementine is here!” when we arrive every time. She is also a little terror when she wants to be, and has gone to many lengths to steal a sweet treat – she stole a large cookie from the counter and had to go to the vet because of she cannot have that much fat and chocolate. She has figured out how to hop on the countertop, so now, when we go out, we de-Clementinize the house by moving all chairs away from the counter. The love she gives all of us makes doing this no problem since she is always ready for a good play or a good nap. In essence, we are crazy about her!