Sponsorship Information

We are 100% Funded by Donations and Grants

Have you fallen in love with a cat and/or dog, but can't adopt at the moment? If that's you, sponsor him or her today. Your generous sponsorship will cover vet bills, food and supplies for your chosen cutie. We will post about your amazing support of this pet on Facebook too (if you wish), further increasing their chance for adoption!


Every dollar you give goes directly towards life-saving programs. With over $10,000 each month in vet bills to make our fosters healthy and happy, we need you! Please give to the animals today!

Each month we pay over $10,000 in vet bills to bring each of the 1,000 foster animals we care for each year to full health. 



If you want to sponsor a specific animal

please type animal's name in the bottom sponsorship question.